Why keep bees?

Why keep bees?
•Bees pollinate crops and thus help increase
•High demand for honey exists in local,
regional and international markets
•Propolis, collected from plants by bees to cover the inside of the hive, treats a broad
range of ailments
•Pollen, collected from plants by bees to feed their larvae, is used in the perfume industry,
and is a food additive and a medicine
•Royal jelly, made by young bees from gland secretions and fed to the queen to make her
strong, has medicinal properties
•Beewax is used in cosmetics, candles and polishes
•Beekeeping has low start-up costs and occupies negligible land space
•About 80% of honey consists of sugars that are readily absorbed by the body and honey
is thus quite suitable for children, sick people and those who perform heavy manual tasks.


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