How to Keep Bees and Process Honey

Asaf Ayatuhaire, from Bushenyi District in South
Western Uganda, has more than 100 beehives
of different types. With an annual production of
honey of around 2,000 kilogrammes, he earns
more than US$ 2,200 a year and has recently
registered a company, West Honeys Uganda.
But ten years ago, Asaf had just three traditional
hives and produced only six kilogrammes of
honey a year. Then he attended a national
training of trainers programme, organized and
sponsored by the Entomology Department of
the Ministry of Agriculture. After completing
his training, he became involved in training
other beekeepers in his local communities.
Asaf was also able to interact with NGOs
and international and local funding agencies,
such as USAID, FAO and the District Farmers
Association. These agencies helped him to
expand his apiary and acquire improved top-bar
Today, thanks to beekeeping, Asaf has a
permanent house, pays fees for his children in
secondary and higher education and is able to
save from his income.


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