Honey harvesting :how to?

Honey harvesting
For traditional and top-bar hives, harvest once or twice a year. For the Langstroth hive,
harvest three or four times a year.
Steps in harvesting honey:
  • Wear protective clothing: overall, veils, gloves, boots 
  • Light smoker
  • Gently open the hive
  • Select combs that are two-thirds sealed full of honey
  • Avoid combs with brood
  • Lift comb, blow smoke on both sides and gently brush bees back into hive with a feather
  • Cut away combs and honey, leaving about 1 cm of comb on the bar
  • Place capped honey in a clean, dry container and cover
  • Leave at least eight combs for the bees
  • Before closing hive, push the unripe combs next to the combs with brood and place harvested bars behind these.


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