So you are interested in being a backyard bee keeper? Two bee types should interest you:
Carniolan Bees are a favorite among new beekeepers because they are hardy and have a large foraging
range. They thrive in urban areas and adapt quickly to changes in the environment. They originate from the Danube
River Valley in Eastern Europe and its geographical heritage makes it better suited for colder northern climates. They
are exceptionally docile and are known for early spring population explosions at the first sign of pollen.
Italian Bees are less able to cope with the hard winters of the northern latitudes. They are relatively
gentle and calm and are therefore a favorite in highly populated, highly trafficked areas, but are prone to robbing
neighboring hives. Italians are excellent housekeepers, which some scientists believe is a factor in their ability to
resist disease.


Q: How much time do bees take?
A: Bees are less time consuming than most domesticated pets or livestock. Bees should be checked no more than
once a week. After they are established, they can go two weeks between checks. Once winter comes, they shouldn’t
be opened to check until spring to avoid chilling the hive.
Q: where are bees kept?
A: If you plan to keep bees in a residential area, face the entrance away from any play, work, or lounge areas. If your    
yard is fenced, put your hive in a corner, forcing the flight pattern to go up and out. Always have a water source for
your hive to help keep them from becoming a nuisance. Also, face the hive entrance opposite of the wind direction.
Q: How small of an area can I keep bees in?
A: Bees can be kept on very small lots and very small areas. There are many beekeepers in urban areas that keep
bees on roofs or porches. Check your local and state codes for any laws regarding space.
Q: How much honey will a new hive produce?
A: Honey production can range from 0-50 lbs, even in the first year. If you are worried about too much honey, let
your friends and family know you have honey and you will be their new best friend.


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